The web-based documentary installation Agora is informed by methods of coping, the thought isometrics that ease pain and the disquiet of the mind. Part community art project, part found footage film, part personal documentary, Agora gives voice to five individuals who are reacting to our contemporary world in their own unique way.
The web-based documentary installation Agora is informed by methods of coping, the thought isometrics that ease pain and the disquiet of the mind. The overlaid narration suggests personal lived experiences. Each video allows us to guess at their true meaning and opens unfamiliar, hence, discomforting forms and realities. Part community art project, part found footage film, part personal documentary, Agora gives voice to five individuals reacting to our contemporary world in their own unique way.
Through a process including collective workshops and one-on-one dialogue, the project sought to provide each participant with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to produce their own personal narratives. The videos present, at times, bewilderment and a sense of loss while, on other occasions, vigour and a sense of challenge. The project explores the navigating of both external and internal obstacles in order to discover wellbeing in an uncertain world.
Agora affirms the right to marginality, to moments of veiled and uncertain meaning, and madness.