Beacon Project

Fox Hatch

Giant animal puppets perform the tale of a wandering fox who chooses not to eat the chicken he comes upon and instead engages in a trade for three eggs that will transform him into whatever he desires.

Interactive puppet demonstrations from 6 until midnight with a 20 minute puppet show at 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, and 10pm.


Les marionnettes d’animaux géants racontent l’histoire d’un renard voyageur qui choisit
de ne pas manger une poule qu’il rencontre sur son chemin et qui accepte en échange
de choisir trois œufs qui pourront le transformer en ce qu’il désire

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The wandering fox chooses not to eat the chicken he comes upon and instead engages in a trade for three eggs that will transform him into whatever he desires. Wishing for strength and beauty the fox becomes a moose and then a lynx. As they are endangered species in mainland Nova Scotia, they both struggle to survive and eventually perish. For his third egg the fox desires resiliency and becomes a fly, only to be eaten by the hungry chicken. Underlying this narrative is the theme of overreaching appetites eroding the homeostasis of the natural world. The fox's appetite is our own human consumption. Ultimately the boundary between humanity (the fox) and the environment (mother chicken) is false. An erosion of the natural world includes the fox and in the end he is eaten.