Anchor Project

Maturity Playground

Maturity Playground is an environment that features reconfigured playground installations. The participatory works within the playground change the way we act, behave, and associate with other people in public space. // Maturity Playground est un espace qui propose des installations de terrain de jeu transformés. Les modifications proposées sur ce terrain changent notre façon d’agir, de nous comporter et de nous associer à d’autres personnes dans l’espace public.

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Nathalie Quagliotto's playful sculpture- and installation-based practice involves reconfiguring everyday childish public objects associated with social regulations, safety, and risk. The works have a focus on proximity, placement, and color to the point where there's a disruption and alteration to the social significance and usage of the object. The color ‘safety yellow’ is used because of its public meaning of caution and awareness.

Maturity Playground is an environment that features three yellow playground installations to try out: a reconfigured swing-set, see-saw, and tic-tac-toe work. Visitors to the playground can also pick up one of the fused yellow lollipop multiples created by the artist.