Lands Meeting: a zoom session for the Land
This slow guided nature zoom will be facilitated by BUSH Gallery and give participants some much needed green scenery while also sharing in the stories of the land they live on.
Note: This conversation was recorded, stay tuned for a link to watch!
This session will be recorded. Turn your zoom (camera) around - face it towards an element of the natural world around you or lack of it. This could be a plant inside, a view out your window, the sidewalk, your territory, the grass outside, a park, a street corner, the place you go to get free wifi, the territory you live in. The territory you acknowledge, any element that to you constitutes the land wherever that is.
The resultant images and sounds constitute an acknowledgment of our interconnectedness in nature in the virtual in the social and in the distance. It also acknowledges all the lands and all these ancestors, the lands we carry inside us the lands that surround us and our place within them.