Community Group

Carry the Spark

CARRY THE SPARK is an evening of live performance and art inspired by the legacies of the environmental movement in Mi’kma’ki /Nova Scotia, featuring the work of extraordinary local artists.

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Presented by Zuppa and Ecology Action Centre, CARRY THE SPARK is a live concert featuring some of Nova Scotia’s finest singer-songwriters, dancers, filmmakers, poets, and visual artists.

Mi’kma’ki has a long history of environmental resistance – from communities successfully fighting off a massive nuclear power plant on the south shore, to the decades of environmental racism inflicted on Pictou Landing, and many, many more stories past, present and future.

In this moment of history, we stand on the shoulders of generations of activists, while looking ahead to our future. How do we act now, in this moment? What legacies will we leave? We take inspiration from the legacy of Danielle Moore, who embodied a spark of hope, joy and optimism in the face of the climate crisis. Following her example, we invite us all to CARRY THE SPARK: to nurture active hope, forge loving connections, ignite action, and embody fierce joy as we strive together to create legacies of thriving, resilience, and care.

The concert will include:
-Live musical performances by Stewart Legere, Terra Spencer, Blue Lobelia, George Woodhouse, and Keeper E.
- Interactive dance choreography by Jacinte Armstrong
- Visual art installations by Angie Arsenault, Letitia Fraser, Carley Mullally, and more
- Short films by Cathy Martin and Liliona Quarmyne
- An augmented reality installation by Lou Sheppard

ASL interpretation will be provided.

This concert is a showcase of selected works that were created last year, as the Ecology Action Centre celebrated 50 years of action. We commissioned 50 works of art in response to the stories and legacies of the last half-century of environmental activism in Mi’kma’ki. These artworks were located all around the province, and accessible by the 50 Things smartphone app. This year, we are bringing some of our favourite pieces together, to celebrate the incredible art that was created and make it accessible to folks here in the city.

The show will coincide with the re-release of the 50 Things app, along with an EP of the music from the project and a podcast series featuring interviews with David Suzuki, Elizabeth May and more, which will all be available digitally in parallel with the concert.

Participants will be asked to wear a mask for the duration of the event.

Oct 13th
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Live Performance Augmented Reality Exhibition Video