Beacon Project

Moonlight Yoga for Human Plants

Performance times:

October 13: 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm
October 14: 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm

Squished between success, self-care, and a mass extinction...? Moonlight Yoga for Human Plants is a 15 min satirical 'Yoga Class’ questioning the connection between our individual and collective selves amidst the climate crisis.

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How do we cope in a world gone mad? And what would it all mean if you were a sunflower?! Shake up your "well-being" regime for something playful and invigorating! Moonlight Yoga for Human Plants is a 15 min satirical 'Yoga Class’ questioning the connection between our individual and collective selves amidst the climate crisis. Come curious and ready to gently reconnect with others. No previous yoga experience is required.

Audience Feedback!

‘I needed this tonight, to be with others.’

‘Better than a night out drinking!’

‘I forgot how good it feels to move!’

Moonlight Yoga for Human Plants is an interactive experience that was thought into being at the 12 Years Climate Lab residency at METAL Liverpool, UK. It came from the inability to hold all the overwhelming information that flooded us during that residency - how do we hold action and information in the climate crisis when Western society prioritizes ‘in control’ individuality? What can collective relationship building offer us in this context? Part aerobics class, part self-help book on wheels, come ‘find an oasis just for you’. Breathing exercises accompany mantras made of word play. Success and progress metaphors are explored through poses. The piece questions the root and rise of ‘wellbeing’ as a coping mechanism in our current ecology. Individual power, autonomy and ‘self-care’ as aspirational goals in our Western society can paradoxically feed climate paralysis. What collectives exist in relation to ourselves and how can we be encouraged to grow them?

Live Performance Interactive Poetry/Spoken Word/Voice