Beacon Project

Pin Drop - Discovering the places that matter to you

A counter-mapping textile project seeking to identify and celebrate the places that are of “Communal Importance” to members of the North-End Halifax community. This work is in resistance to the forces of systemic discrimination, displacement and gentrification that have historically shaped our landscape and still impact the community today. Through engaging with a vibrant textile map and participating in hands-on stitching activities, North-End community members will have the opportunity to highlight the places that are meaningful to them and share the stories that make them vital and worth preserving.

Workshops will take place on Oct 14&15 from 1-4 pm at Halifax North Memorial Public Library. After the workshop hours, you can participate from 6-midnight on Oct 15 at the Propeller Brewery on Gottingen St.

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The legacy of the North End is one of resilient and diverse communities - but unfortunately also one of discrimination, displacement and gentrification. Halifax was founded on a legacy of racialized violence with the contravention of the Peace and Friendship treaties of 1713 & 1745. The landscape was permanently changed to reflect the values of colonizers while disregarding the community of people already deeply rooted here. Throughout history, this trend has continued in the North End with primarily BIPOC communities in Halifax facing displacement and loss of significant community spaces over and over again as a result of systemic discrimination, the capitalist pursuit of growth and a ruling authority that does not share the same values as the members of the community it is attempting to control.

Maps have historically been used as one way to reinforce and legitimize control over material landscapes according to the value systems of the people/groups in power. During my research, I’ve examined a variety of contemporary maps of Halifax and more specifically the North End of Halifax and was struck by the types of places/landmarks deemed map-worthy today. The question arose: Would those be the same places that North End community members themselves would feature as important?

“Pin Drop” is part of a multi-phase project that looks to address this question and spark conversation about what should be prioritized in portrayals of our North End landscape moving forward.

Festival attendees will be invited to engage with a large vibrant textile map of the North End of Halifax. They will be given numbered straight pins and will place them in the map in response to the question; “Which are the places in the North End that are most important to you?”, and will also be invited to share additional information/stories about their chosen places if interested. Through this process, we will be able to highlight which places are meaningful shared spaces in our community.

During two embroidery drop-in workshops, participants will be given fabric screen-printed with NorthEnd map images. They will be prompted to stitch featuring places meaningful to them. This action of gathering to stitch has historically proven to generate discussion and this will provide another valuable opportunity for sharing stories.

This project aims to tell a story about places that matter and what makes the North End a diverse and vibrant community, written by the community members themselves.

Oct 14th
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Oct 15th
1:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Interactive Craft Placemaking Demonstration/Workshop