Beacon Project

ᓃᒥᐦᐃᑐᐃᐧᐣ Nîmihitowin

ᓃᒥᐦᐃᑐᐃᐧᐣ Nîmihitowin is a multidisciplinary performance that uses Indigneous dance, drumming and storytelling to connect with the night sky and each other. Performance timees:

6:30 pm Storytelling, Kids performance, and Hoop Dance (approx. 45 minutes)

8:30 pm Storytelling and Hoop Dance

10 pm Storytelling and Round Dance

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ᓃᒥᐦᐃᑐᐃᐧᐣ Nîmihitowin, means to dance. This performance honors the ancestors and legacy of Indigenous people. Using the concept of the Northern lights, which my mosom called Cipayak E’ Nimihitowin, meaning the spirits dancing in the sky. They are our elders and ancestors dancing in the spirit world. We respect and honor those who have gone before. These phenomena known to occur during the fall and winter across Canada. In Cree culture they are also associated with and may occur during a round dance. Sometimes called a friendship dance, it is also done in remembrance of our ancestors and relatives who have gone on to the spirit world. This performance will tie in these connected themes through hoop dance, storytelling, live drumming and a round dance or friendship dance for the audience to participate in.

Oct 15th
6:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Performance Family Friendly Storytelling Live Dance