Artist talk

Artist Talk - Kamilah Apong

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Kamilah thrives when transforming needs and ideas into reality.

To that end, she's secured over $550,000 in funding from municipal, provincial and federal grants and public, private and corporate sponsorship including: Ontario Arts Council, FACTOR, Enterprise Toronto, Slaight Music, The Daniels Corporation and Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Bringing her expertise to her community and work, her practice is deeply impactful in cultural movements and sectors. Her approach to community education trades top-down learning hierarchies for participation, and classrooms for comfort zones where folks can unlearn, experiment, explore, share and practice.

Using popular education tools, anti-oppression frameworks and self-reflexivity, she incorporates a variety of art-centric techniques into her work to transcend multiple sites of knowledge.

Oct 13th
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM