Community Group

Encouragement Garden

A bolstering bouquet awaits you! In our nighttime garden of felted flowers, notes of encouragement await you in a "take one, leave one" fashion: physical messages of advice and encouragement for the creatives of the city.

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Visitors to the waterfront chalet are invited to take part in our "Encouragement Garden": written notes of advice and encouragement from one creative to another. Featuring messages from in-person visitors, messages will also be recorded from participants across Turtle Island by collecting submissions through our Instagram. Nocturne visitors can choose any notes to take home, but must leave a message behind for someone else, using our on-site pens and paper. In this "take one, leave one" fashion, creatives of all kinds will make connections throughout the night.

Oct 14th
6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Interactive Craft