Community Group

NOISEMakers 2023

by Amishi Vadgama, Antonio Rosa, Hanna Koval, Leonardo Moura, Shreya Talwar, Svilen Petrov & Zonghua Ai
with support from NOISEMakers 2023

NOISE: Newcomer Opportunities & Impactful (arts-based) Experiences

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NOISEmakers is a summer art workshop series created by Nocturne and ISANS. The project, funded by the Province of Nova Scotia, is an opportunity to build belonging, strengthen connections, and create art in public spaces with Newcomers and Immigrants. Each year we organize a new way to connect cross-culturally and use art as a catalyst for connection here in Mi'kma'ki.

This project was made possible through the generous support of:

ArtsNS ISANS Wonder'neath