with support from Dalhousie Art Gallery, Susan Gibson Garvey, Felix Bernier, Kate Delmage & Jessica Winton
Stray Hair is the first installation in Kim Morgan’s ongoing Dust Disruptors project: a series of
mobile inflatable objects of varying forms and sizes constructed out of Sylpoly fabric printed
with enlarged scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. The images are derived from dust
and ash samples taken from human bodies and their immediate environment. Animated by air
(fans/wind), helium, and/or human interaction, the Dust Disruptors may be encountered over
the coming weeks in different formats and locations (including online). Watch out!
Location: grassy median across from the Marion McCain Building, 6135 University Avenue
Hours: Thursday 6-10 PM; Friday 6-10 PM; Saturday 6-11:30 PM, weather permitting.
Intended to intrigue, provoke wonder, and prompt questions about the meaning, use, and
value of a person’s blood, Kim Morgan’s Blood Portraits is a two-part installation that features
nine large photographic discs of magnified blood samples donated by specific individuals, and a
compelling video that layers the images with sound and text.
Location: Dalhousie University, Marion McCain Arts and Social Sciences Building, 6135
University Avenue, 1 st Floor (on the elevator wall facing the internal quad)
Hours: 7:30 AM – 10:00 PM daily
Accessibility: There is a level entrance at the front of the building with automated doors (6135
University Avenue). Accessible parking spaces are located on LeMarchant Street. There are
wide lobby spaces within the interior and an elevator to access multiple levels. Blood Portraits
is located on the wall above the elevators on the first floor which can be reached by the
elevator in the lobby. Accessible washrooms are also located on the first floor.
Dust Disruptors and Blood Portraits have received generous support from Arts Nova Scotia.
image credit: Kim Morgan, Stray Hair, 2021, (detail). Photo: Felix Bernier